
On August 12, 2022, Darina Kovalenko, the paralegal, received an academic transcript (transcript of records) from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and sent it to the student from Ghana. Now he will be able to resume his studies in any country in the world.

September 2021, attorney Dmytro Chuguienko successfully defended the Client in the administrative case for violation of customs rules in the Kyiv Court of Appeal. As a result, the Customs' office appeal has been denied, and the decision of the Solomyansky District Court of Kyiv to return sized funds was left in force.

On July 30, 2021, attorney Dmytro Chuguienko completed a three-year legal support case, which included multiple branches of law trial court proceedings. In the end, the attorney helped the client to avoid paying taxes of 2.8 million hryvnias (approximately 100 thousand US dollars at that time).

The defense in this case was carried out in administrative, criminal, and civil proceedings.

In June 2020, attorney Dmytro Chuguienko successfully completed the enforcement of a court decision dated May 17, 2018, to recover about 43,000 UAH. Why did this case take more than 2 years to resolve? Read on to find out.