Dmytro Chuguienko has been included in the "Client's Choice: TOP-100 Lawyers of Ukraine 2025" ranking.
He was included in the "Client's Choice: TOP-100 Lawyers of Ukraine 2025" ranking in the categories of family law and immigration law.
This success is particularly significant as it w...
Winter Holidays at DISPUTES
During the holiday period, the office will be closed, and no staff will be available. However...
Olha Honcharuk, Paralegal at Disputes Law Firm – Awardee of the "Young Lawyer of the Year 2023" award
Held on November 30, 2024, during the Young Lawyers Forum of Ukraine, the event celebrated the achievements of talented legal professionals.
Successfully completed cases in civil, administrative, commercial disputes, criminal cases, and cases of administrative offenses.
Developer to Pay €18,000 for Construction Defects
Here, we examine a successful case where a homeowners' association (OSBB) defended its rights and secured nearly 800,000 UAH in damages from the developer for unaddressed construction defects ...
Epic Court Victory: When Justice Triumphs Over Formalities
The court invalidated a clause in an investment agreement for construction and ordered the return of $2,000 in penalty fees to the ...
Copyright protected through pre-trial procedures
This article examines a successful pre-litigation resolution of a copyright dispute involving a literary work used without permission on a video platform, handled by AO 'Disputes' in 2024.
Analytics, research, and consultations related to judicial practice, alternative dispute resolution, and enforcement of court orders.