
3 academic transcripts were obtained for students from Nigeria and India

On August 24, 2022, attorney Dmytro Chuguienko obtained 2 academic certificates at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University for 2 female students from Nigeria, and on August 31, 2022, attorney Iryna An obtained an academic transcript at Poltava State Medical University for a female student from India. These transcripts are already on their way to the clients.

Two Clients contacted the Disputes Counsels’ Partnership regarding obtaining academic transcripts from Ukrainian universities. The father of two girls from Nigeria asked for help obtaining academic transcripts at the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, as well as the father of a girl from India - to obtain an academic transcript at the Poltava State Medical University.

Due to russian armed military aggression against Ukraine, the girls were forced to abandon their studies and return home to Nigeria and India accordingly.

But their education is not complete, and therefore, for it to resume in another university, it is necessary to submit an academic transcript, which contains information about the learning outcomes for all the studied disciplines. To start this procedure, a power of attorney text was prepared and sent by e-mail. The document was signed at a local notary service and then legalized.

One of the problems that arose during the preparation of documents, in particular, the powers of attorney for the representation of students, was the impossibility of sending documents by mail both from Nigeria and from India to Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, sending mail in such directions has stopped. Therefore, the only option was the delivery via Poland, and then by a local Ukrainian courier service to Ukraine. Thanks to the promptness of the Clients, the documents were collected and sent to us in the shortest time.

After receiving the documents, the Disputes Counsels’ Partnership team contacted the universities to submit the documents and to agree on the arrival dates. As soon as all formalities were agreed upon, the attorneys left for Lviv and Poltava.

But both universities met the representatives, to put it lightly, not "friendly". Employees of the dean's offices did not want to help solve the issue and showed their incompetence, bureaucracy, unfriendliness, and disrespect in communication. Our attorneys had to run between the deans` offices and libraries, dormitories, administrative service centers, passport services, bookstores, banks, etc multiple times to resolve all issues.

However, despite the listed difficulties and provocations of corruption, we managed to complete this bureaucratic procedure and obtain these so much anticipated documents with our efforts.